Now, Durov seems to have modified his tone.
“Telegram’s abrupt improve in consumer depend to 950M precipitated rising pains that made it simpler for criminals to abuse our platform,” he wrote within the assertion shared at the moment. “That’s why I made it my private objective to make sure we considerably enhance issues on this regard. We’ve already began that course of internally, and I’ll share extra particulars on our progress with you very quickly.”
A few of these adjustments look like already taking impact: the corporate’s FAQ web page has modified within the final 24 hours. Take one part titled, “There’s unlawful content material on Telegram. How do I take it down?”
As of September fifth, Telegram’s response to the query learn partially, “All Telegram chats and group chats are personal amongst their members. We don’t course of any requests associated to them,” in keeping with a Wayback Machine archive of the web page.
However on the time of this writing, that sentence has been eliminated. As a substitute, has been changed with: “All Telegram apps have ‘Report’ buttons that allow you to flag unlawful content material for our moderators — in only a few faucets,” adopted by directions on the best way to report content material.